
Create a web site for your homework

  • All of the home works in this course should be submitted to a web site created by you.

  • Create a FJU Google account

    • The students have to use FJU Google account: xxx@gapp.fju.edu.tw.

    • You should apply a FJU Google account from the application page.

  • Create your website

    • Go to google sites "http://sites.google.com/new", log in by your FJU Google account, and create a web site called: "XXX website for Machine Learning course".

  • Initiate your web site

    • Create 5 new web pages: Home, Exercise, Reading, Programming, Project.

    • Edit the Home page

      • Add your personal identity information: Chinese name, school number, department, and so on.

      • Upload cover image: Upload your personal pictures to be the cover image of the home page.

  • Submit your web site

  • Samples of students' web sites : 1, 2, 3.